Lainey Here We Come!
Hello: We are leaving in less than 72 hours and I just had to post our additional web site.
We will use the site for most of our trip. My students may check in occasionally on the babyjelly site to get a glimps of the Great Wall, Forbidden City, etc. So most of our postings will be generic. There might even be a few homework questions, lol,lol..... but don't worry, I won't ask if you got them wrong, lol.
The reason we might use the blog while in China, is if "Lainey is really sick or something happens" I wouldn't want my students to be burden with this fact. So if this occures, I will switch to the blog site again. Hopefully, Lainey is okay when we get her and there are minimum bumps on the road during our trip.
Happy Trails.....
Laine Elliott
Happy travels, Tim and Annette. I can't wait to follow your journey. Stay safe and I will see you guys on December 9th if not before.
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