What we know about Lainey
Laine Shao-Hui Elliott
Chinese Name: Gao, Shao-Hui (Shol Hway)
Birthdate: September 20, 2005
Age: 11 months old
Description: This description is from Holt International, but we agree!!
Beautiful, Very Feminine, Clear Skin, Big Bright Eyes, Fair Complexion,
And “a Fair Amount of Hair” (just like her Mom)
Location: Southern Coast of China
City: Gaozhou ( Lainey is currently in an orphanage in the city of Gaozhou.
She will travel to the city of Guangzhou to meet us when we arrive)
Province: Guangdong
We received all of Laine's information but most of it is still in Chinese. Our agency is still translating all of her information ie, medical updates & development mile stones, what she likes to eat, etc., all of it will be Fedex to us no later than this Wed. 8/30/06.